organic tomato paste manufacturers in India that offer affordable price

There are many manufacturers and producers in some Asian countries such as India and China that are producing tomato paste in the organic form and offer their products at affordable cost and price.

Future developments in the tomato processing industry in India, as well as key opportunities

Both the summer and winter seasons in India are ideal for growing tomatoes, which results in a plentiful harvest year-round.

The crop that is grown during the winter months has a higher quality overall because it has a higher total solids content. The flavor, sweetness, and nutritional value that are present in the fresh fruits are all preserved in the tomato paste.

The tomato processing industry in India is comprised of businesses that utilize cutting-edge manufacturing facilities and cutting-edge technology.

Roughly eighty percent of tomatoes are consumed in their fresh form, whereas the remaining twenty percent are used in the processing industry to create tomato paste, puree, ketchup, pickles, juices, and sauces.

The processing of fresh and ripened tomatoes results in the production of a smooth and thick substance known as tomato paste.

Raw materials used in the production of tomato-based processed goods often include tomato paste. The industry that uses the most tomato paste is the one that makes condiments like ketchup and sauces.

Global Tomato availability

More than one thousand five hundred different kinds of tomatoes are grown commercially in India. Only a select few varieties are grown for commercial purposes.

With an annual output of 20 million tomatoes, India is the world’s second-largest producer of tomatoes after China.

India is responsible for 11% of the total production of tomatoes across the globe. On the other hand, India only processes 150000 tonnes of tomatoes every year.

The number of tomato-based processed goods that are in demand in India has increased by forty percent. It is estimated that 150000 tonnes of ketchup are consumed annually in India, and that this results in a market value of 1.8 billion.

Even though tomato paste is produced in a great number of countries, the top ten producers are responsible for 83 percent of the annual production across the globe.

The United States, India, and Turkey are the next three largest producers of tomatoes after China, which is the world’s largest producer of tomatoes.

In addition, the tomato is grown in the hemisphere of the Northern Hemisphere, where it is processed in the months of July and December.

Production in the southern hemisphere region occurs between the months of January and June.

Brazil is the only nation in the Southern hemisphere capable of processing one million tons per year during the same season as the nation’s counterparts in the Northern hemisphere.

Processing of tomatoes in India’s industrial sector: production capacities

In contrast to guava and mango, there are not as many industries that process tomatoes as there are those that process mango and guava. The districts of Krishnagiri and Chittoor in India are home to the majority of the country’s processing industries.

Only a small number of the varieties grown in India are used for food processing, while the vast majority of the varieties grown there are used for consumption.

The major producing and trading nations exported 6.8 million tonnes of tomato paste in 2019-20, which is a 35% increase compared to the previous year’s total.

The international trade in tomato products brought in a total of USD 6.4 billion in revenue last year, with the export market for tomato paste accounting for USD 3.1 billion of that total.

The demand for tomato paste has been rising at a consistent rate, and China has committed substantial capital investment to overtake the United States of America and Italy as the industry leaders.

The southern regions of India are home to the majority of the manufacturing industries that process tomatoes.

Because of their close proximity to tomato-growing areas, tomato processing industries in South India are able to successfully produce tomato paste. This proximity allows for this type of production.

According to an estimate provided by the World Processing Tomato council, 41.37 million metric tons of tomatoes were transformed into products with additional value all over the world.

This accounts for 26 percent of the overall production of fresh tomatoes. In comparison, only about 1% of tomatoes produced are processed in any way that results in value addition to the final product.

Utilization of tomato-based processed goods

The most common end products of the processing of tomatoes are tomato puree and tomato paste.

The primary tomato products that are processed pave the way for the secondary tomato products that are processed. The industries that produce ketchup and sauce are the most significant consumers of tomato puree and paste.

In addition, the food and beverage industry, as well as the industry that produces culinary products, are the second largest buyers of tomato paste and puree.

Because it is used as a raw material in the production of other processed tomato products, tomato is an essential product in the business-to-business (B2B) sector.

Juice, paste, puree, diced and peeled tomatoes, ketchup, pickles, sauces, products based on tomato powder, and ready-made curries are all examples of tomato-based foods.

Tomato products that have been processed have a wide variety of uses in the food industry, including in the snack food and culinary industries, as well as in hotels, restaurants, and retail chains that sell fast food.

Tomatoes of varying types being processed.

The Abhinav and Namdari varieties of tomatoes are the most widely used ones in food processing in India. Small amounts of Rashmi, Vaishali, and Rupali are processed into the final product.

The majority of processed goods are made from southern varieties. The northern varieties are the ones most commonly used in cooking.

Other varieties account for the remaining ten percent of the market share, but these two varieties are responsible for ninety percent of the processing.

Processing of tomatoes occurs twice a year, once in the early part of the year (January–April) and again from August–October.

Tomato paste

The variety known as Abhinav is typically cultivated in the Karnataka region and is the one that works best for processing. The Namdhari plant can be found in every one of India’s states.

These two commercial varieties are the ones that make the most favorable impression on tomato paste manufacturers. The ketchup and sauce markets in the United States have a significant appetite for this tomato paste.

Brix: 28-30 Deg (hot break)

During the packaging process, the tomatoes are placed in pre-sterilized aseptic bags and then packed aseptically before being placed in a food-grade epoxy painted open-top metal storage drum.

Product Net weight: 228kg / Drum.

Gross weight: 18MT (80 drums in 20 FCL)

The product has a shelf life of twenty-four months beginning on the date it was manufactured.

The processing method for tomato paste – how are the tomatoes processed?

Unloading the tomatoes once they have reached their peak ripeness is the first step in the quality control process at the factory. After that, the fruits are sorted so that any fruits that have been damaged by machinery or that have gone bad are removed.

The crates are then loaded up with the fruit after it has been unloaded.

To begin the production of tomato paste, the tomatoes are first washed in chlorinated water with a concentration of 5-10 ppm, and then in plain water to remove any remaining dust particles.

The tomatoes are ground up in the fruit miller, and the pulp that is produced is stored in the tank specifically designed for pulp. The tomato waste and seeds are removed from the puree before it is heated to between 85 and 95 degrees Celsius and refined.

In order to reduce the amount of water in the final product, an evaporator is applied to it. After that, the tomato paste is strained and then put through a metal detector, so that any contaminants can be removed.

At some point in the process, the product will be sterile and packaged in aseptic bags. Tomato paste that has been packaged in aseptic bags is then placed in MS drums before being kept in the warehouses.

In the industry of processing tomatoes, potential future trends

Consumers in developing and developing countries are being enticed to eat ready-made foods and products that have had tomatoes processed into them as a result of rapid urbanization.

Processed food manufacturers and tomato paste processors are shifting their attention to ready-to-eat products in order to meet the ever-increasing demand.

The value of the global market for processing tomatoes was calculated to be 43.4 million tonnes in 2021. A compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.8% is anticipated for the processing industry worldwide between the years 2022 and 2027.

During the years 2015–2020, the tomato processing industry in India saw a growth that was more moderate than average.

On the other hand, it is anticipated that the market will expand at a compound annual growth rate of 4.2% between the years 2021 and 2026.

Tomatoes are now commercially available throughout the entire year thanks to advancements in seed research and breeding techniques. This is one of the primary forces that is propelling the global industry that processes tomatoes.

Opportunities that are particularly advantageous for the tomato processing industry

In India, over the course of the past three years, the annual rate of growth in demand for products that are processed using tomatoes has averaged at a rate of 30%.

In addition, an increasing number of tomato products, including those based on powder, are being introduced, which means that the selection of processed foods that contain tomatoes is growing.

The ICAR-IIHR in Bengaluru has made the discovery that there is a wealth of potential for breeding dual-purpose opportunities with processing quality attributes.

Because of this, the tomato processing industry in India will be able to produce more puree and paste in the near future.

Problems confronting manufacturers of processed tomatoes

The vast majority of tomato varieties currently being cultivated by farmers are not fit for consumption other than on tables. They cannot be used in the tomato computation company. due to their unsuitability.

Tomatoes grown in India have a high acidity level, a large locule count, and a thin wall thickness. Therefore, a greater quantity of fruit is required to make tomato paste.

The perishability of the product is an essential component of tomato paste manufacturers’ quality standards. Tomatoes have a shorter shelf life than other fruits.

It is possible for the quality of the packaged paste to suffer as a result of physical losses of up to 25-30% while the paste is being transported and stored.

Because they are more expensive out of season, it is not feasible to keep the number of inexpensive tomatoes.

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