Buy organic tomato paste online + different packaging

Try to buy and make purchase tomato paste that is produced in organic procedure. It would be better to buy your favorite products online. In this case, you would have more chances to check different types of packaging for the items that you are going to buy.

Nowadays, thanks to the growth of new technologies and the bloom of the internet, many businesses are done through the Internet. In fact, many people have more preference for do their purchases online.

These days people are quite busy and because of their hectic lifestyle, they do not have time to spend in the supermarket for looking for their daily purchases.

Because of this, people choose conducting a straightforward search on the websites of reputable retail establishments, either while they are at work or while they are relaxing at home.

This way of buying is quite convenient, and many customers can simply obtain information on the product they want by visiting the store websites.

After that, they can easily compare it to a variety of other items and packaging options, and pick the option that is most suited to their needs.

Our multinational corporation has given serious thought to the many different choices that are available to its clientele, and the website of our retail outlet, which is updated on a daily basis, gives customers access to a wide range of different services.

In point of fact, the structure of our website makes it possible for customers shopping either wholesale or retail to quickly locate the item they are interested in, research it in greater depth, and even evaluate it in relation to other brands.

In addition, one more thing that our export company has taken into consideration in relation to the online purchase of a variety of tomato paste products is the ease with which customers can communicate with sales specialists and experts at any time of the day or night and upload their orders. This is something that our export company has taken into consideration.

You are able to communicate with our business in any language you speak, regardless of the country in which you are located or the language that you speak.

In point of fact, there are numerous negotiators available who are able to negotiate with buyers and clients because they are bilingual in languages spoken all over the world.

It is also feasible to ship items to any location on any continent in the world.

Because our long-standing company is able to manage customs and clearance concerns as well as shipping matters wherever in the world they may arise, this demonstrates that we have achieved a high level of expertise in this field. to accept our share of the worldwide duty, the acceptance of which we are pleased to proclaim to the rest of the world.

In the following, I am going to explain a little about our production line in the field of tomato paste production.

Let me give you the good news that our production lines are equipped with the most up-to-date equipment and facilities for sorting, packing and final preparation of tomato paste products.

stages of the production line for tomato paste

selecting the ideal tomatoes

Large, red, healthy tomatoes that are high in brix and acid as well as tomatoes with a less fibrous texture should be used to make the paste; they should not be mashed.

The color of tomatoes should be red, not yellow or green, as these colors affect the ultimate quality of tomato paste manufacture because chlorophyll converts to pheophytin in a hot, acidic environment, producing undesired brown pigments.

The tomatoes must be maintained dry, cool, and without tissue damage between harvest and the line producing tomato paste. Round tomatoes are better suited for making tomato paste than pear-shaped ones because pear-shaped varieties are better suited.

They are poor in brix and have a strong fibrous texture.

Sorting and washing

The best ways to wash tomatoes are through immersion and spraying. Three steps are commonly used for washing tomatoes:

The Depalletizer system, which blows air from the bottom to create turbulence and remove the pollution, is initially used to introduce tomatoes into water tanks with mesh bottoms. As the water overflows on the surface, light pollutants like wood, etc. are removed.

The tomatoes are cleaned with purer water in the secondary tank.

The tomatoes are moved to the conveyor belt by turning vane wheels in the third step, and as they advance gradually, the washing is finished with a quick sprinkle of water.

The difficult goods are then separated during the sorting stage, which also uniformizes the product.

Notably, grading is required for the manufacture of canned tomatoes in order to separate consistent tomatoes of the proper size, but not for the line that makes tomato paste.


There are two hot and two cold methods for chopping tomatoes with a chopper or a crakher.

Warm chopping

In this process, tomatoes are heated in the line that makes tomato paste either before pulping or right after crushing.

The pectin hydrolysis is stopped and more pectin enters the paste as a result of the quick inactivation of pectolytic enzymes brought on by heat during this procedure, particularly pectin methylesterase or pectinase. As a result, the paste’s consistency increases.

On the other hand, heat makes the sticky substance surrounding the seed come out, increasing the product’s viscosity and making it perfect for creating ketchup.

This method, which mostly involves high-quality tomatoes, involves cooking food to a temperature of 90 °C. Caramelization during Hot Break (hot chopping) could result in unfavorable flavors and hues.

In this process, tomatoes are first cold-crushed in the line that makes tomato paste before being heated to an ambient temperature of 80°C.

Low temperature causes incomplete and improper enzyme removal, which allows pectolytic enzymes to function and break down pectin and reduces the viscosity of the paste that is formed.

When tomatoes arrive late in the season, they do not have the desired hue, and we do not want to extract all of the color, thus this procedure is utilized.

According to some studies, this procedure will make pumping simpler because less resinous material gets into the tomato juice and the viscosity is low. With this approach, there is a lower likelihood that the heat exchanger pipes performing the condensation work won’t become blocked.

Because of the low heat produced during cold crushing, we are able to use the seeds for culture while hot crushing causes the seed to lose its nutritional value and cannot be used for cultivation.

The Cold Break method is more efficient in the tomato paste production line with a high Brix since the paste’s viscosity should be low if we want it to have a high Brix.

introductory heat

The hydrolytic enzymes are deactivated at this stage of the tomato paste production process, which improves the consistency of the end product.

At a temperature of 70 to 90 degrees Celsius, chopped tomatoes enter the preparatory heating equipment, where the enzyme is eliminated.

Additionally, the greater temperature is employed in this step depending on how ripe the tomatoes are.

spread out

The tomato paste production line typically uses two-stage or occasionally three-stage strainers. Traditionally, the first sieve is referred to as a pulper, while the second and third sieves are known as finishers.

Both of these machines have a similar design; they are cylinder-shaped with rotating blades that enter tomatoes and strike them violently, causing the tomatoes to become more crushed. The bodies of these two machines are composed of a net.

The work of separating the tomato skin and seeds is carried out by the pulper, therefore the tomato skin and seeds remain inside this cylinder and cannot be removed.

The finisher will smooth out and crush additional tomato pieces while also separating the juice from the pulp. We carry out this separation in the event that the end product is canned tomato juice.


The product is now delivered to the evaporators on the tomato paste production line for concentration. The kind of evaporator used varies somewhat depending on the product, but it is always carried out in a vacuum.

Most frequently, carved-surface evaporators with two or three bodies are utilized. To ensure long shelf life and minimize shipping, some of the product’s water is removed during this stage.

The most popular process in a production line for tomato paste is thermal evaporation under a vacuum.

This process keeps the product’s original quality, particularly in terms of color and nutritional value. especially considering how affordable the heat is.

“When thickening tomatoes that have been crushed using a heated process, we run into excessive viscosity, which inhibits the paste’s mobility and results in localized heating and color change.

Thermal decomposition

Pasteurization occurs in the tomato paste assembly line to improve the product’s safety and extend its shelf life. The paste is pasteurized between 85 and 90 degrees Celsius in a tube pasteurizer.

Completely stuffing and sealing

Hot filling, executed at a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius, occurs at this point in the tomato paste assembly line.

As a result, you should fill the can to within a few millimeters of its brim, or about 97% of its capacity, because as it cools, the can will contract, making it appear even emptier than it already is. Furthermore, there is the potential for actual injury.

The paste is filled with piston fillers.

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